@extends('layouts.theme') @section('title',__('View All')) @section('main-wrapper') @php $withlogin= $configs->withlogin; $catlog= $configs->catlog; $auth=Auth::user(); $subscribed = null; $all_genre = \App\Genre::get(); $a_lang = \APP\AudioLanguage::get(); $menus = \APP\Menu::get(); @endphp
@foreach($all_genre as $genre) input('genre') != NULL) @foreach(app('request')->input('genre') as $request_genre) @if($request_genre == $genre->id) checked @else @endif @endforeach @endif value="{{$genre->id}}">
@if (isset($pusheditems) && count($pusheditems) > 0 )


@foreach($pusheditems as $item) @if($auth && getSubscription()->getData()->subscribed == true) @php if (isset($item['type']) && $item['type'] == 'M') { $wishlist_check = \Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB::table('wishlists')->where([ ['user_id', '=', $auth->id], ['movie_id', '=', $item['id'], ]])->first(); } if (isset($item['type']) && $item['type'] == 'S') { $wishlist_check = \Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB::table('wishlists')->where([ ['user_id', '=', $auth->id], ['season_id', '=', $item['id']], ])->first(); } @endphp @endif @if(isset($item['type']) && $item['type'] == "M") @if(hidedata($item['id'],$item['type']) != 1)
@if($auth && getSubscription()->getData()->subscribed == true) @if($item['thumbnail'] != null || $item['thumbnail'] != '') genre-image @else genre-image @endif
@if(timecalcuate($auth->id,$item['id'],$item['type']) != 0)
@endif @else @if($item['thumbnail'] != null || $item['thumbnail'] != '') genre-image @else genre-image @endif @endif @if($item['is_custom_label'] == 1) @if(isset($item['label_id']) && $item['label_id'] != NULL) @php $label = App\Label::find($item['label_id']); @endphp {{$label->name}} @endif @endif
@if(isset($protip) && $protip == 1)
  • {{__('Rating')}} {{$item['rating']}}
  • {{$item['duration']}} {{__('Mins')}}
  • {{$item['publish_year']}}
  • {{$item['maturity_rating']}}
  • @if($item['subtitle'] == 1)
  • {{__('Sub Titles')}}
  • @endif


@if($auth && getSubscription()->getData()->subscribed == true) {{__('Read More')}} @else {{__('Read More')}} @endif
@if($auth && getSubscription()->getData()->subscribed == true) @if($item['is_upcoming'] != 1) @if(checkInViewAllMovie($item) == true && isset($item['video_link'])) @if($item['maturity_rating'] =='all age' || $age>=str_replace('+', '', $item['maturity_rating'])) @if(isset($item['video_link']['iframeurl']) && $item['video_link']['iframeurl'] != null) {{__('Play Now')}} @else {{__('Play Now')}} @endif @else {{__('Play Now')}} @endif @endif @endif @if($item['trailer_url'] != null || $item['trailer_url'] != '') {{__('Watch Trailer')}} @endif @else @if($item['trailer_url'] != null || $item['trailer_url'] != '') {{__('Watch Trailer')}} @endif @endif @if($catlog ==0 && getSubscription()->getData()->subscribed == true) @if (isset($wishlist_check->added)) {{$wishlist_check->added == 1 ? __('Remove From Watchlist') : __('Add to Watchlist')}} @else {{__('Add to Watchlist')}} @endif @elseif($catlog ==1 && $auth) @if (isset($wishlist_check->added)) {{$wishlist_check->added == 1 ? __('Remove From Watchlist') : __('Add to Watchlist')}} @else {{__('Add to Watchlist')}} @endif @endif
@endif @elseif(isset($item['type']) && $item['type'] == "T") @if(hidedata($item['seasons_first']['id'],$item['seasons_first']['type']) != 1)
@if($auth && getSubscription()->getData()->subscribed == true) @if($item['thumbnail'] != null || $item['thumbnail'] != '') genre-image @else genre-image @endif
@else @if($item['thumbnail'] != null || $item['thumbnail'] != '') genre-image @else genre-image @endif @endif @if($item['is_custom_label'] == 1) @if(isset($item['label_id'])) @php $label = App\Label::find($item['label_id']); @endphp {{$label->name}} @endif @endif
@if(isset($protip) && $protip == 1)
{{__('Tmdb Rating')}} {{$item['rating']}}
  • {{__('Season')}}{{$item['seasons_first']['season_no']}}
  • {{$item['seasons_first']['publish_year']}}
  • {{$item['maturity_rating']}}
@if ($item['detail'] != null || $item['detail'] != '')




@endif @if($auth && getSubscription()->getData()->subscribed == true) {{__('Read More')}} @else {{__('Read More')}} @endif
@if($auth && getSubscription()->getData()->subscribed == true) @if (isset($item['seasons_first']['first_episode']) && checkInViewAllTv($item) == true && isset($item['seasons_first']['first_episode']['video_link'])) @if( $item['maturity_rating'] =='all age' ||$age>=str_replace('+', '', $item['maturity_rating'])) @if($item['seasons_first']['first_episode']['video_link']['iframeurl'] !="") {{__('Play Now')}} @else {{__('Play Now')}} @endif @else {{__('Play Now')}} @endif @endif @if($item['seasons_first']['trailer_url'] != null || $item['seasons_first']['trailer_url'] != '') {{__('Watch Trailer')}} @endif @else @if($item['seasons_first']['trailer_url'] != null || $item['seasons_first']['trailer_url'] != '') {{__('Watch Trailer')}} @endif @endif @if($catlog == 0 && getSubscription()->getData()->subscribed == true) @if (isset($wishlist_check->added)) {{$wishlist_check->added == 1 ? __('Remove From Watchlist') : __('Add to Watchlist')}} @else {{__('Add to Watchlist')}} @endif @elseif($catlog ==1 && $auth) @if (isset($wishlist_check->added)) {{$wishlist_check->added == 1 ? __('Remove From Watchlist') : __('Add to Watchlist')}} @else {{__('Add to Watchlist')}} @endif @endif
@endif @endif @endforeach @endif @else @endif
@endsection @section('custom-script') @endsection