{{__('Change Email')}}
{{__('Change Password')}}
{{__('Update Age and Mobile Number')}}
{{__('Other Settings')}}
{!! Form::open(['method' => 'POST', 'action' => 'UserAccountController@update_otherprofilesetting']) !!}{{__('Update Address')}}
{{__('Stripe billing History')}}
{{__('Date')}} | {{__('Package')}} | {{__('Service Period')}} | {{__('Payment Method')}} | {{__('Total')}} | {{__('Actions')}} |
{{$created}} | {{$plan->name}} | {{$from}} to {{$to}} | Stripe | {{$invoice->amount}} ({{ currency($invoice->amount, $from = $plan->currency, $to = Session::has('current_currency') ? ucfirst(Session::get('current_currency')) : $plan->currency, $format = true) }} {{__('equivalent to your currency')}}) |
{{__('Date')}} | {{__('Package')}} | {{__('Service Period')}} | {{__('Payment Method')}} | {{__('Total')}} | {{__('Actions')}} |
{{$item->created_at->toDateString()}} | {{$item->plan ? $item->plan->name : 'N/A'}} | {{$from}} to {{$to}} | {{ucfirst($item->method)}} | {{$item->price}} | {{__('Invoice')}} |
{{ __('Affiliate Dashboard') }}
{{__("Start refering your friends and start earning !!")}}
{{__("This is your unique refer link share with your friends and family and start earning !")}}
{{ __('Total earning') }} {{ $earning }}
{{ __('Affiliate history') }}
@foreach($aff_history as $history)
{{ __('+') }} {{ sprintf("%.2f",$history->amount,2) }} {{ $history->log }} @if($history->procces == 0) ({{ __("Pending") }}) @else ({{ __("Credited to Wallet") }}) @endif
@endforeach @endif @if(isset($aff_history))