@extends('layouts.master') @section('title',__('All Movies')) @section('breadcum')
{{__('Do you really want to delete selected item names here? This process cannot be undone.')}}
{{__('Column No')}} | {{__('Column Name')}} | {{__('Required')}} | {{__('Description')}} |
1 | {{__('title')}} | {{__('Yes')}} | {{__('Enter movie title / name')}} |
2 | {{__('is_upcoming')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__('upcoming movie (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)')}} |
3 | {{__('upcoming_date')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__('If is_upcoming = 1 , then the pass upcoming date here')}} |
4 | {{__('is_custom_label')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("custom label (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)")}} |
5 | {{__('label_id')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("If is_custom_label = 1 , then the pass label id here")}} |
6 | {{__('selecturl')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("Enter actor's DOB")}} |
7 | {{__('iframeurl')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("Enter actor's DOB")}} |
8 | {{__('ready_url')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("Enter actor's DOB")}} |
9 | {{__('url_360')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__('Name your video eg: example.jpg')}} {{__('(Video can be uploaded using Media Manager / Movie / URL 360 Tab.)')}} |
10 | {{__('url_480')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__('Name your video eg: example.jpg')}} {{__('(Video can be uploaded using Media Manager / Movie / URL 480 Tab.)')}} |
11 | {{__('url_720')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__('Name your video eg: example.jpg')}} {{__('(Video can be uploaded using Media Manager / Movie / URL 720 Tab.)')}} |
12 | {{__('url_1080')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__('Name your video eg: example.jpg')}} {{__('(Video can be uploaded using Media Manager / Movie / URL 1080 Tab.)')}} |
13 | {{__('upload_video')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__('Name your video eg: example.jpg')}} {{__('(Video can be uploaded using Media Manager / Movie uploads Tab.)')}} |
14 | {{__('a_language')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("Multiple a_language id can be pass here seprate by comma")}} |
15 | {{__('maturity_rating')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("Enter movie maturity ratings (please wirte one of these :- all age , 13+, 16+ or 18+)")}} |
16 | {{__('thumbnail')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__('Name your image eg: example.jpg')}} {{__('(Image can be uploaded using Media Manager / Movies / thumbnail Tab.)')}} |
17 | {{__('poster')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__('Name your image eg: example.jpg')}} {{__('(Image can be uploaded using Media Manager / Movies / poster Tab.)')}} |
18 | {{__('series')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("Movie Series (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)")}} |
19 | {{__('movie_id')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("If series = 1 , then movie id can be pass here .")}} |
20 | {{__('featured')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("Movie featured (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)")}} |
21 | {{__('subtitle')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("Movie subtitle (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)")}} |
22 | {{__('sub_lang')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("If subtitle = 1 , then enter subtitle language name here ")}} |
23 | {{__('sub_t')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("If subtitle = 1 , then enter subtitile files")}} ({{__('Name your file eg: example.txt')}} {{__('(files can be uploaded using Media Manager / subtitle / Movies Tab.)')}} ) |
26 | {{__('keyword')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("Enter movie meta keywords")}} |
27 | {{__('description')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("Enter movie meta description")}} |
28 | {{__('menu')}} | {{__('Yes')}} | {{__("Multiple menu id can be pass here seprate by comma .")}} |
29 | {{__('director_id')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("Multiple director id can be pass here seprate by comma .")}} |
30 | {{__('actor_id')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("Multiple actor id can be pass here seprate by comma .")}} |
31 | {{__('genre_id')}} | {{__('Yes')}} | {{__("Multiple genre id can be pass here seprate by comma .")}} |
32 | {{__('duration')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("Enter movie duration in minutes")}} |
33 | {{__('publish_year')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("Enter movie publish year")}} |
34 | {{__('rating')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("Enter movie rating")}} |
35 | {{__('released')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("Enter movie released date")}} |
36 | {{__('detail')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("Enter movie detail")}} |
Do you really want to delete these records? This process cannot be undone.
{{isset($item->publish_year) && $item->publish_year ? $item->publish_year : '-' }}
{{isset($item->publish_year) && $item->publish_year ? $item->publish_year : '-' }}
@if (count($genres) > 0) @for($i = 0; $i < count($genres); $i++) @if($i == count($genres)-1) {{$genres[$i]}} @else {{$genres[$i]}}, @endif @endfor @endif
{{isset($username) && $username != NULL ? $username->name :'user deleted'}}
@auth @if(Auth::user()->is_assistant == 1) @if($item->status == 1) {{__('Active')}} @else {{__('De Active')}} @endif @else @if($item->status == 1) {{__('Active')}} @else {{__('De Active')}} @endif @endif @endauth