@extends('layouts.master') @section('title',__('Edit')." "." - $movie->title") @section('breadcum') @endsection @section('maincontent')
@if ($errors->any()) @endif {{-- vimeo API Modal Start --}} {{----vimeo API ModalEnd --}} {{-- youtube API Modal Start --}} {{----youtube API ModalEnd --}}
{{ __('Back') }}
{{__('Edit Movie')}}
{!! Form::model($movie, ['method' => 'PATCH', 'action' => ['MovieController@update',$movie->id], 'files' => true]) !!}
@if($movie->fetch_by == "byID") @else @endif
{!! Form::label('title', __('Movie Title')) !!} fetch_by == 'byID' ? "readonly=readonly" : "" }} id="mv_t" type="text" class="form-control" name="title" value="{{ $movie->title }}"> {{ $errors->first('title') }}
{!! Form::label('slug', __('Movie Slug')) !!} {!! Form::text('slug', null, ['class' => 'form-control', 'placeholder' => __('Enter Movie Slug')]) !!} {{ $errors->first('slug') }}
{!! Form::label('is_kids', __('Only for kids ?')) !!}
{{ $errors->first('is_kids') }}
{!! Form::label('is_custom_label',__('Allow Custom Label ?')) !!}
{{ $errors->first('is_custom_label') }}
{!! Form::label('label_id', __('Custom Label')) !!} {{ $errors->first('label_id') }}
{!! Form::label('is_upcoming',__('Upcoming Movie')) !!}
{{ $errors->first('is_upcoming') }}
{!! Form::label('upcoming_date', __('Upcoming Date')) !!} {!! Form::date('upcoming_date', null, ['class' => 'form-control']) !!} {{ $errors->first('upcoming_date') }}
{{-- select to upload code start from here --}}
{!! Form::label('selecturls', __('Add Video')) !!} {{ $errors->first('selecturl') }}

{{__('Upload Videos Not Support')}}

{{__('Open load Google Drive And Other URL Add Here')}}!

{!! Form::label('url_360', __('Video Url For 360 Quality')) !!} {!! Form::text('url_360', isset($video_link['url_360']) && $video_link['url_360'] ? $video_link['url_360'] : NULL, ['class' => 'form-control']) !!} {{ $errors->first('url_360') }}
{!! Form::label('upload_video', __('Upload Video In 360p')) !!}
{{__('Choose A Video')}}
{{ $errors->first('upload_video_360') }}
{!! Form::label('url_480', __('Video Url For 480 Quality')) !!} {!! Form::text('url_480', isset($video_link['url_480']) && $video_link['url_480'] ? $video_link['url_480'] : NULL, ['class' => 'form-control']) !!} {{ $errors->first('url_480') }}
{!! Form::label('upload_video', __('Upload Video In 480p')) !!}
{{__('Choose A Video')}}
{{ $errors->first('upload_video_480') }}
{!! Form::label('url_720',__('Video Url For 720 Quality')) !!} {!! Form::text('url_720', isset($video_link['url_720']) && $video_link['url_720'] ? $video_link['url_720'] : NULL, ['class' => 'form-control']) !!} {{ $errors->first('url_720') }}
{!! Form::label('upload_video', __('Upload Video In 720p')) !!}
{{__('Choose A Video')}}
{{ $errors->first('upload_video_720') }}
{!! Form::label('url_1080', __('Video Url For 1080 Quality')) !!} {!! Form::text('url_1080', isset($video_link['url_1080']) && $video_link['url_1080'] ? $video_link['url_1080'] : NULL, ['class' => 'form-control']) !!} {{ $errors->first('url_1080') }}
{!! Form::label('upload_video', __('Upload Video In 1080p')) !!}
{{__('Choose A Video')}}
{{ $errors->first('upload_video') }}
{{-- youtube and vimeo url --}}


{!! Form::text('ready_url',isset($video_link['ready_url']) && $video_link['ready_url'] ? $video_link['ready_url'] : NULL , ['class' => 'form-control','id'=>'apiUrl']) !!} {{ $errors->first('ready_url') }}
{{-- upload video --}}

{!! Form::label('upload_video', 'Upload Video') !!} -

Choose A Video

{{__('Choose A Video')}}
{{ $errors->first('upload_video') }} @php $config=App\Config::first(); $aws=$config->aws; @endphp @if($aws==1)
@else if you haven't added AWS key. Set in API setting To Upload Videos to AWS @endif
{{-- select to upload or add links code ends here --}}
{!! Form::label('a_language', __('Audio Languages')) !!}
{{ $errors->first('a_language') }}
{{-- Allage Maturity --}}
{!! Form::label('maturity_rating',__('Maturity Rating')) !!} {!! Form::select('maturity_rating', array('all age' =>__('AllAge'), '18+' =>'18+', '16+' => '16+', '13+'=>'13+','10+' =>'10+', '8+' => '8+', '5+'=>'5+','2+'=>'2+'), null, ['class' => 'form-control select2']) !!} {{ $errors->first('maturity_rating') }}
({{ __('Select those countries where you want to block Movies')}} )
{!! Form::label('subtitle', __('Subtitle')) !!}
{{ $errors->first('subtitle') }}
{{ $errors->first('sub_t') }}
{!! Form::label('series', __('Series')) !!}
{{ $errors->first('series') }}
{{ $errors->first('movie_id') }}
{!! Form::label('movie_id', __('Select Movie Of Series')) !!} {!! Form::select('movie_id', [(isset($this_movie_series_detail) ? $this_movie_series_detail[0]->id : '')=>(isset($this_movie_series_detail) ? $this_movie_series_detail[0]->title : '')]+$movie_list_exc_series, null, ['class' => 'form-control select2 mseries']) !!}
{!! Form::label('featured', __('Featured')) !!}
{{ $errors->first('featured') }}
{!! Form::label('is_protect', __('Protected Video?')) !!}
{{ $errors->first('is_protect') }}
{{ $errors->first('password') }}
{!! Form::label('', __('Choose Custom Thumbnail And Poster')) !!}
@if(isset($movie->thumbnail) && $movie->thumbnail != NULL) @else @endif
@if(isset($movie->poster) && $movie->poster != NULL) @else @endif

{{ $errors->first('menu') }}
{{__('Want IMDB Ratings And More Or Custom')}}?
tmdb == 'Y' ? 'checked' : ''}}/> tmdb != 'Y' ? 'checked' : ''}}/>
{!! Form::label('trailer_url', __('TrailerURL')) !!} {!! Form::text('trailer_url', null, ['class' => 'form-control']) !!} {{ $errors->first('trailer_url') }}
{!! Form::label('director_id', __('Directors')) !!}
{{ $errors->first('director_id') }}
{!! Form::label('actor_id',__('Actors')) !!}
{{ $errors->first('actor_id') }}
{!! Form::label('genre_id', __('Genre')) !!}
{{ $errors->first('genre_id') }}
{!! Form::label('duration', __('Duration')) !!} {!! Form::text('duration', null, ['class' => 'form-control']) !!} {{ $errors->first('duration') }}
{!! Form::label('publish_year', __('Publish Year')) !!} {!! Form::number('publish_year', null, ['class' => 'form-control']) !!} {{ $errors->first('publish_year') }}
{!! Form::label('rating', __('Ratings')) !!} {!! Form::text('rating', null, ['class' => 'form-control']) !!} {{ $errors->first('rating') }}
{!! Form::label('released', __('Released')) !!} {!! Form::date('released', null, ['class' => 'form-control']) !!} {{ $errors->first('released') }}
{!! Form::label('detail',__('Description')) !!} {!! Form::textarea('detail', null, ['class' => 'form-control materialize-textarea', 'rows' => '5']) !!} {{ $errors->first('detail') }}
{!! Form::close() !!}
{{__('Sub title')}}
@foreach($movie->subtitles as $key=> $subtitle) @endforeach
# {{__('Subtitle Language')}} Action
{{ $key+1 }} {{ $subtitle->sub_lang }}
@endsection @section('script') {{-- --}} {{-- vimeo api code --}} {{-- youtube API code --}} @endsection