@extends('layouts.master') @section('title',__('All Directors')) @section('breadcum') @endsection @section('maincontent')
{{ __('All Directors') }}
@can('director.create') @endcan @can('director.delete') {{ __('Add Director') }} @endcan {{-- Bulk Delete Model Start --}} {{-- Bulk Delete Model End --}} {{-- Impport Model Start --}} {{-- Import Model End --}}
@if(isset($directors) && $directors->count() > 0) @foreach($directors as $item) @php if($item->image != NULL){ $content = @file_get_contents(public_path() .'/images/directors/' . $item->image); if($content){ $image = public_path() .'/images/directors/' . $item->image; }else{ $image = Avatar::create($item->name)->toBase64(); } }else{ $image = Avatar::create($item->name)->toBase64(); } $imageData = base64_encode(@file_get_contents($image)); if($imageData){ $src = 'data: '.mime_content_type($image).';base64,'.$imageData; } @endphp
@if($src != NULL) ... @endif


{{isset($item->DOB) && $item->DOB != NULL ? $item->DOB : '-' }}

{{__('Place Of Birth')}}

{{isset($item->place_of_birth) && $item->place_of_birth != NULL ? str_limit($item->place_of_birth,30) : '-'}}


{{isset($item->biography) && $item->biography != NULL ? str_limit($item->biography,50) : '-'}}

{!! $directors->appends(request()->query())->links() !!}
{{__("Let's start :)")}}
{{__('Get Started by creating a director ! All of your directors will be displayed on this page.')}}
@endsection @section('script') @endsection