@extends('layouts.master') @section('title',__('All Actors')) @section('breadcum')
{{__('Do you really want to delete selected item names here? This process cannot be undone.')}}
{{__('Column No')}} | {{__('Column Name')}} | {{__('Required')}} | {{__('Description')}} |
1 | {{__('name')}} | {{__('Yes')}} | {{__('Enter actor name')}} |
2 | {{__('image')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__('Name your image eg: example.jpg')}} {{__('(Image can be uploaded using Media Manager / Actor Tab.)')}} |
3 | {{__('biography')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__('Enter actor biography')}} |
4 | {{__('place_of_birth')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("Enter actor's place of birth")}} |
5 | {{__('DOB')}} | {{__('No')}} | {{__("Enter actor's DOB")}} |
Do you really want to delete these records? This process cannot be undone.
{{isset($item->DOB) && $item->DOB != NULL ? $item->DOB : '-' }}
{{isset($item->place_of_birth) && $item->place_of_birth != NULL ? str_limit($item->place_of_birth,30) : '-'}}
{{isset($item->biography) && $item->biography != NULL ? str_limit($item->biography,50) : '-'}}